個人資料聲明 The Use of Personal Data
參加本推廣活動時,本公司將收集 閣下的個人資料(包括姓名、電話及地址等資料), 並會將參加者資 料保密,所有參加者資料只會用作本推廣活動的抽籤及資料核實用途。
For the purpose of your participation to this event, we will collect your personal information (including your name, telephone number and address, etc.). Personal data and information of all participants will be kept confidential and only be used for conducting and verification of the draw.
免責聲明 Disclaimers
除法例另有規定,本公司毋須因參加者於登記、登入、連接個人社交網絡,任何因電腦、網絡等技術問題, 報名參與活動或購買產品途中的任何失誤、延誤、失敗、中斷、攔截、暫停、欺詐或違反保安事項;或本 公司控制範圍內的任何原因,對所產生的任何損失、損害賠償或索償,向參加者或任何第三方負責或承擔 任何責任。參加者同意並承諾,不會為參加本推 廣活動而招致的任何損失、損害或開支,包括但不限於參 加者的資料、軟件、電腦、電話、電子產品、電訊設備或其他設備的任何損失或損害,要求本公司負責或 承擔任何責任。
2. 由於不可抗力、傳輸遲延、網站系統發生故障或遭受第三方攻擊及其他本公司無法控制的情形,本公司 有權在法律允許的範圍內決定修改、暫停、取消或終止本推廣活動,亦有權暫時下架或延遲發售此特別版 產品。如您已下單購買此特別版產品但因上述原因發生缺貨的,您有權取消訂單,本公司亦有權取消訂單。
3. 本公司在以下情況有權單方面取消您的訂單,並且無需承擔其他責任:
∙ 使用機器人、外掛軟體、自動儀器等類似技術手段侵入系統進行登記,影響其他用戶正常秩 序的登記
∙ 購買此產品是為代購轉售
∙ 經本公司判斷,屬於同一人購買多件此特別版產品
Unless the laws of Hong Kong otherwise required, our company shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising in any way from or in connection with any system, server, computer, Internet or connection failure, error, omission, interruption, unavailability or any delay in transmission during, but not limited to, the course of the event of registration, log in, connection to the personal social networks and Product redemption, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Participant hereby acknowledge and agree not to pursue claims against our company for any damages, loss or expense (including but not limited to Participant’s information, software, computer, telephone, or any other electronic or telecommunication devices).
Our company reserves the right to the extent permitted by law to temporarily remove the Products from the shelf or delay the sales of the Product or suspend or cancel the event for reasons of force majeure, transportation delay, system failure or third-party attacks of the website and other circumstances beyond the control of us. If you have ordered the Product and, due to the aforementioned reasons, it is out of stock, both you and our company have the right to cancel the order without incurring any liabilities.
Our company has the right to unilaterally cancel your order under the following circumstances without incurring any liabilities:
∙ The use of robots, software plug-ins, automated equipment and other similar technologies to invade into the system to register, which affect the activities of other users.
∙ The purpose of purchasing the Product is for resale.
∙ Our company finds that one person is making multiple purchases of the Product